Dufferin County Official Plan Review

Dufferin County is updating its Official Plan
Dufferin County is home to 66,000 people now and is expected to grow to 95,000 by 2051, according to the Province of Ontario’s Growth Plan.
To address this predicted growth in population, Dufferin County is working on the Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) – a series of studies that will influence Dufferin’s Official Plan and shape the growth of Dufferin County for the next 30 years.
At their May 12, 2022 meeting, Dufferin County Council gave a green light to take a phased approach to the MCR.
We want to hear from you!
The MCR is going to shape the future of Dufferin County’s community, so it’s important that the project includes community voices. To stay informed about the MCR process and to have your say on the future of your community, check back here for updates, and subscribe to our newsletter (top right corner).
In the meantime, check out our FAQ's on the right-hand page.
Dufferin County is updating its Official Plan
Dufferin County is home to 66,000 people now and is expected to grow to 95,000 by 2051, according to the Province of Ontario’s Growth Plan.
To address this predicted growth in population, Dufferin County is working on the Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) – a series of studies that will influence Dufferin’s Official Plan and shape the growth of Dufferin County for the next 30 years.
At their May 12, 2022 meeting, Dufferin County Council gave a green light to take a phased approach to the MCR.
We want to hear from you!
The MCR is going to shape the future of Dufferin County’s community, so it’s important that the project includes community voices. To stay informed about the MCR process and to have your say on the future of your community, check back here for updates, and subscribe to our newsletter (top right corner).
In the meantime, check out our FAQ's on the right-hand page.
Tell us what you think
over 2 years agoShare Tell us what you think on Facebook Share Tell us what you think on Twitter Share Tell us what you think on Linkedin Email Tell us what you think link13 ResponsesWe want to know about your vision for the future growth of Dufferin County! There will be many formal opportunities to get involved in this project including a series of Open Houses – with more details regarding dates, times and locations for these events coming soon.
In the meantime, we welcome you to share your thoughts on the MCR project here!
We also encourage you to subscribe to receive updates via the "Stay Informed" sign up box in the upper right corner of our main page.
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Housing - Additional Residential Units (ARUs)
over 1 year agoShare Housing - Additional Residential Units (ARUs) on Facebook Share Housing - Additional Residential Units (ARUs) on Twitter Share Housing - Additional Residential Units (ARUs) on Linkedin Email Housing - Additional Residential Units (ARUs) linkIn early July, Dufferin County hosted four public workshops to help inform its Phase III Official Plan Amendment (OPA). The engagement sessions address key Community and Governance policy topics as aligned with its recently approved 2023 to 2026 Strategic Plan.
Community members are invited to provide feedback on the topics presented at the workshop. Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to share their perspectives, concerns and ideas to help shape policy that reflects the needs and aspirations of the Dufferin community as the County plans for the future.
Presentation on Housing - Additional Residential Units
Use the comment box below to provide your thoughts on the engagement questions and any additional feedback you have on the topic. Your feedback will help to shape the future of your community!
Engagement Questions:
What type of guidelines should be in place to promote ARUs throughout the County?
How can we address the concerns and overcome the (NIMBY) resistance?
Housing - As of Right Zones
over 1 year agoShare Housing - As of Right Zones on Facebook Share Housing - As of Right Zones on Twitter Share Housing - As of Right Zones on Linkedin Email Housing - As of Right Zones linkIn early July, Dufferin County hosted four public workshops to help inform its Phase III Official Plan Amendment (OPA). The engagement sessions address key Community and Governance policy topics as aligned with its recently approved 2023 to 2026 Strategic Plan.
Community members are invited to provide feedback on the topics presented at the workshop. Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to share their perspectives, concerns and ideas to help shape policy that reflects the needs and aspirations of the Dufferin community as the County plans for the future.
Presentation on Housing - As of Right Zones
Use the comment box below to provide your thoughts on the engagement questions and any additional feedback you have on the topic. Your feedback will help to shape the future of your community!
Engagement Questions:
What are the zoning regulations that we can put in place to ensure that As of Right Zones can adapt to evolving circumstances and promote sustainable and inclusive development?
How can we ensure the reflection of context and neighborhood character in As of Right Zones?
Housing - Mixed Use Zones
over 1 year agoShare Housing - Mixed Use Zones on Facebook Share Housing - Mixed Use Zones on Twitter Share Housing - Mixed Use Zones on Linkedin Email Housing - Mixed Use Zones linkIn early July, Dufferin County hosted four public workshops to help inform its Phase III Official Plan Amendment (OPA). The engagement sessions address key Community and Governance policy topics as aligned with its recently approved 2023 to 2026 Strategic Plan.
Community members are invited to provide feedback on the topics presented at the workshop. Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to share their perspectives, concerns and ideas to help shape policy that reflects the needs and aspirations of the Dufferin community as the County plans for the future.
Presentation on Housing - Mixed Use Zones
Use the comment box below to provide your thoughts on the engagement questions and any additional feedback you have on the topic. Your feedback will help to shape the future of your community!
Engagement Questions:
How can we use policy in addressing the short supply of Mixed Use Zones at the County?
How can we overcome the inadequate infrastructure and amenities to support Mixed Use Zones?
Housing - Affordable Housing
over 1 year agoShare Housing - Affordable Housing on Facebook Share Housing - Affordable Housing on Twitter Share Housing - Affordable Housing on Linkedin Email Housing - Affordable Housing linkIn early July, Dufferin County hosted four public workshops to help inform its Phase III Official Plan Amendment (OPA). The engagement sessions address key Community and Governance policy topics as aligned with its recently approved 2023 to 2026 Strategic Plan.
Community members are invited to provide feedback on the topics presented at the workshop. Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to share their perspectives, concerns and ideas to help shape policy that reflects the needs and aspirations of the Dufferin community as the County plans for the future.
Presentation on Housing - Affordable Housing
Use the comment box below to provide your thoughts on the engagement questions and any additional feedback you have on the topic. Your feedback will help to shape the future of your community!
Engagement Questions:
What type of policies could help increase housing supply for individuals and families with lower incomes?
What are the requirements that we should put in place to support our vulnerable populations, to overcome the significant affordability challenges in accessing suitable housing?
Healthy Communities - Age Friendly Communities
over 1 year agoShare Healthy Communities - Age Friendly Communities on Facebook Share Healthy Communities - Age Friendly Communities on Twitter Share Healthy Communities - Age Friendly Communities on Linkedin Email Healthy Communities - Age Friendly Communities linkIn early July, Dufferin County hosted four public workshops to help inform its Phase III Official Plan Amendment (OPA). The engagement sessions address key Community and Governance policy topics as aligned with its recently approved 2023 to 2026 Strategic Plan.
Community members are invited to provide feedback on the topics presented at the workshop. Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to share their perspectives, concerns and ideas to help shape policy that reflects the needs and aspirations of the Dufferin community as the County plans for the future.
Presentation on Healthy Communities - Age Friendly Communities
Use the comment box below to provide your thoughts on the engagement questions and any additional feedback you have on the topic. Your feedback will help to shape the future of your community!
Engagement Questions:
How can we address inadequate affordable and accessible housing options?
How can we address social isolation and limited social engagement opportunities?
How can we address limited access to health and supportive services?
Healthy Communities - Recreation and Tourism
over 1 year agoShare Healthy Communities - Recreation and Tourism on Facebook Share Healthy Communities - Recreation and Tourism on Twitter Share Healthy Communities - Recreation and Tourism on Linkedin Email Healthy Communities - Recreation and Tourism linkIn early July, Dufferin County hosted four public workshops to help inform its Phase III Official Plan Amendment (OPA). The engagement sessions address key Community and Governance policy topics as aligned with its recently approved 2023 to 2026 Strategic Plan.
Community members are invited to provide feedback on the topics presented at the workshop. Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to share their perspectives, concerns and ideas to help shape policy that reflects the needs and aspirations of the Dufferin community as the County plans for the future.
Presentation on Healthy Communities - Recreation and Tourism
Use the comment box below to provide your thoughts on the engagement questions and any additional feedback you have on the topic. Your feedback will help to shape the future of your community!
Engagement Questions:
Dufferin County may heavily rely on a few economic sectors, limiting job creating opportunities and making the local economy vulnerable to downturns in specific industries.
Some residents may commute to other areas for better job opportunities or choose to relocate elsewhere due to limited job opportunities locally.
Healthy Communities - Job Creation
over 1 year agoShare Healthy Communities - Job Creation on Facebook Share Healthy Communities - Job Creation on Twitter Share Healthy Communities - Job Creation on Linkedin Email Healthy Communities - Job Creation linkIn early July, Dufferin County hosted four public workshops to help inform its Phase III Official Plan Amendment (OPA). The engagement sessions address key Community and Governance policy topics as aligned with its recently approved 2023 to 2026 Strategic Plan.
Community members are invited to provide feedback on the topics presented at the workshop. Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to share their perspectives, concerns and ideas to help shape policy that reflects the needs and aspirations of the Dufferin community as the County plans for the future.
Presentation on Healthy Communities - Job Creation
Use the comment box below to provide your thoughts on the engagement questions and any additional feedback you have on the topic. Your feedback will help to shape the future of your community!
Engagement Questions:
Dufferin County may heavily rely on a few economic sectors, limiting job creating opportunities and making the local economy vulnerable to downturns in specific industries.
Some residents may commute to other areas for better job opportunities or choose to relocate elsewhere due to limited job opportunities locally.
Sustainability - Aquifers
over 1 year agoShare Sustainability - Aquifers on Facebook Share Sustainability - Aquifers on Twitter Share Sustainability - Aquifers on Linkedin Email Sustainability - Aquifers linkIn early July, Dufferin County hosted four public workshops to help inform its Phase III Official Plan Amendment (OPA). The engagement sessions address key Community and Governance policy topics as aligned with its recently approved 2023 to 2026 Strategic Plan.
Community members are invited to provide feedback on the topics presented at the workshop. Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to share their perspectives, concerns and ideas to help shape policy that reflects the needs and aspirations of the Dufferin community as the County plans for the future.
Presentation on Sustainability - Aquifers
Use the comment box below to provide your thoughts on the engagement questions and any additional feedback you have on the topic. Your feedback will help to shape the future of your community!
Engagement Questions:
What are the regulations that need to be in place to address diminishing water levels and water quality degradation?
What types of policies could be used for improved and integrated water management within the County?
Sustainability - Schools
over 1 year agoShare Sustainability - Schools on Facebook Share Sustainability - Schools on Twitter Share Sustainability - Schools on Linkedin Email Sustainability - Schools linkIn early July, Dufferin County hosted four public workshops to help inform its Phase III Official Plan Amendment (OPA). The engagement sessions address key Community and Governance policy topics as aligned with its recently approved 2023 to 2026 Strategic Plan.
Community members are invited to provide feedback on the topics presented at the workshop. Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to share their perspectives, concerns and ideas to help shape policy that reflects the needs and aspirations of the Dufferin community as the County plans for the future.
Presentation on Sustainability - Schools
Use the comment box below to provide your thoughts on the engagement questions and any additional feedback you have on the topic. Your feedback will help to shape the future of your community!
Engagement Questions:
What requirements should we put in place to ensure school infrastructure doesn't become overwhelmed?
What requirements should we put in place to ensure new and existing school sites are well supported?
Follow Project
Who's Listening
Phone 519-941-2816 x 2509 Email syousif@dufferincounty.ca
Document Library
Final Decisions from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Draft Decisions from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
OPA Amendment No. 4 - Report to Council (Item 7.4) March 14, 2024
February 14, 2024 Open House
Transportation Master Plan (16.3 MB) (pdf)
Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) No 019-8488
Report from Community Development and Tourism Committee - September 28 2023 (133 KB) (pdf)
Draft Transportation Master Plan (6.26 MB) (pdf)
MCR Phase 3 - General Policy Updates Presentation (604 KB) (pdf)
Summary of Comments for Phase 3 (181 KB) (pdf)
Transportation Master Plan Presentation (2.05 MB) (pdf)
Dufferin County Official Plan Redline Working Copy (1.18 MB) (pdf)
Draft Official Plan Amendment (251 KB) (pdf)
OPA Phase II
OPA No. 2 Timeline Suspension Letter from MMAH (48.1 KB) (pdf)
Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) No 019-7419
2023.07.13 Dufferin County_Official Plan Amendment No. 03.pdf (154 KB) (pdf)
2023-03-09 Council Agenda - MCR Phase II OPA Report.pdf (205 KB) (pdf)
CC2023-03-09 Extract - MCR Phase 2.pdf (60.2 KB) (pdf)
Schedule B1 - Community Structure 20230314.pdf (810 KB) (pdf)
Schedule B - Community Structure 20230314.pdf (1.18 MB) (pdf)
Schedule C - Agriculture 20230314.pdf (1.13 MB) (pdf)
Schedule E1 - NHS 20230314.pdf (1.41 MB) (pdf)
Schedule E - NHS 20230314.pdf (3 MB) (pdf)
OPA Phase 1
Environmental Registry of Ontario (EFO) 019-7119
Council Motion (93.4 KB) (pdf)
2022 06 30 - New Draft Report.pdf (1.09 MB) (pdf)
Employment Supply Maps 20220627.pdf (2.51 MB) (pdf)
Res and Commercial Supply Maps 20220627.pdf (2.64 MB) (pdf)
Staff Report + Draft OPA Phase1 (273 KB) (pdf)
Draft Phase 1 OPA Submission for Review (215 KB) (pdf)
Climate Action
Revised Work Program 2021-22.pdf (369 KB) (pdf)
Key Points.pdf (368 KB) (pdf)
Population and Employment Allocation.pdf (464 KB) (pdf)
Projected Dwelling Growth.pdf (126 KB) (pdf)
Existing Settlement Areas and Built Up Areas.pdf (1.16 MB) (pdf)
Intensification Target Capacity Gap.pdf (380 KB) (pdf)
Combined Estimated Land Needs.pdf (307 KB) (pdf)
Dufferin County Draft Land Needs Analysis 2022.01.21 For Committee.pdf (1000 KB) (pdf)
Dufferin County MCR_Presentation to County Council_GMS Update_Oct 14'21.pdf (1.15 MB) (pdf)
January 27, 2021 - My Community Plan Update.pdfJanuary 27, 2021 - My Community Plan Update (1.23 MB) (pdf)
Dufferin County MCR Update to Council July 9-Proposed Growth Plan Amendment Presentation to Council .pdf (315 KB) (pdf)
Dufferin County MCR Section 26 Presentation 2020.03.12. (1.16 MB) (pdf)
County Official Plan Office Consolidation 2017
A Place to Grow-Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2019
The Planning Act
Citizens Guide to Land Use Planning
Provincial Policy Statement 2020
Greenbelt Plan 2017
Niagara Escarpment Plan 2017
Final LNA Highlights - WSP.pdf (1.1 MB) (pdf)