Sustainability - Climate
In early July, Dufferin County hosted four public workshops to help inform its Phase III Official Plan Amendment (OPA). The engagement sessions address key Community and Governance policy topics as aligned with its recently approved 2023 to 2026 Strategic Plan.
Community members are invited to provide feedback on the topics presented at the workshop. Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to share their perspectives, concerns and ideas to help shape policy that reflects the needs and aspirations of the Dufferin community as the County plans for the future.
Presentation on Sustainability - Climate
Use the comment box below to provide your thoughts on the engagement questions and any additional feedback you have on the topic. Your feedback will help to shape the future of your community!
Engagement Questions:
What type of programs can be implemented to advance climate resilience practices within new and redevelopment proposals?
How can we encourage developers to integrate climate resilience into their projects?