May → June 2024

Phase 1: Getting Started

  • Prepare engagement plan
  • Conduct information and data collection
May → June 2024

Phase 2: Assessing Current and Future Service Needs

  • Review existing policies, plans, and reports
  • Create an inventory of services
  • Create demographic profile and review trends
  • Conduct review of best practices
June → July 2024

Phase 3: Engaging Community and Stakeholders

  • Conduct engagement activities (survey, focus groups, interviews)
  • Prepare engagement summary report 
June 2024

Phase 4: Assessing Current and Future Housing Needs

  • Identify current and future housing needs
  • Analysis of long-term care options
July 01 → July 31 2024

Phase 5: Assessing Current and Future Operations

  • Review current County older adult services operations
July 01 → September 30 2024

Phase 6: Developing the Strategy

  • Prepare Needs Assessment Report
  • Develop recommendations
  • Prepare draft and final Strategy for Older Adult Services