Green Bin Pledge

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Consultation has concluded. Thank you to everyone who took the pledge!

Join your neighbours... use your Green Bin!

Want to use your Green Bin to keep food waste out of the garbage but feel afraid of the mess? Take the Green Bin Pledge and we’ll set you up with a free “Give me a chance” kit with materials to help you keep your Green Bin tidy and food waste out of the landfill.

Already using your Green Bin? Take the pledge to divert ALL your food waste (and other organics, such as soiled paper products) from the garbage to your Green Bin!

Good things happen when you use your Green Bin. You help keep toxins out of the environment and contribute to the production of compost, which helps nourish plants and vegetables in your garden.

Take the Green Bin Pledge today!

How to take the pledge:

Step One: Fill out the Take the Pledge form and receive a "Give me a chance" kit.

Step Two: Share your pledge! Tell us why you want to help divert all your household organics from the landfill. Feel free to share photos of your Green Bin and pledge sticker.

Join your neighbours... use your Green Bin!

Want to use your Green Bin to keep food waste out of the garbage but feel afraid of the mess? Take the Green Bin Pledge and we’ll set you up with a free “Give me a chance” kit with materials to help you keep your Green Bin tidy and food waste out of the landfill.

Already using your Green Bin? Take the pledge to divert ALL your food waste (and other organics, such as soiled paper products) from the garbage to your Green Bin!

Good things happen when you use your Green Bin. You help keep toxins out of the environment and contribute to the production of compost, which helps nourish plants and vegetables in your garden.

Take the Green Bin Pledge today!

How to take the pledge:

Step One: Fill out the Take the Pledge form and receive a "Give me a chance" kit.

Step Two: Share your pledge! Tell us why you want to help divert all your household organics from the landfill. Feel free to share photos of your Green Bin and pledge sticker.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thanks for using your Green Bin! To take the pledge please sign in or register. If you do not wish to register, please call Dufferin Waste at 519.941.2816 ext. 2620 or email

    Consultation has concluded. Thank you to everyone who took the pledge!
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